Elections Have Consequences

Elections have Consequences and affect everyone. Bad public policy leads to bad or unenforced laws, where criminals are allowed to have free reign.  Many elected officials have turned a blind eye to the devastating affects of Human and Child trafficking and because of this women, men and children are trafficked every hour for sex, labor and other nefarious purposes. Sheriff’s, Attorney Generals, District Attorney’s and Judges do nothing or worse insist it isn’t a crime instead of attacking the problem head on. Just look at the headlines about 85,000 children missing from the border.

The Sound of Freedom is a movie that is set to be released nation wide July 4th and will be in 4 theaters in the Albuquerque area. The movie is based on real life events that will shake people to the core. How have we as people allowed this to happen. The film was done by Angel Studios and they are hoping to presell 2,000,000 tickets so they can get it released in more areas across the country.

Go to the Angel.Com website, put in your zip code and the theater list pops up.  They are also asking if  you are able to buy multiple tickets and give them to someone, it will help raise awareness of this huge problem.  The money involved in this criminal enterprise has to be massive. The movie is “Sound of Freedom”.  The trailer can be seen at angel.com/warroom (That is also where you buy tickets.)


The interview with the actor is well worth your time to watch on War Room, starting at 1:19:45.

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